Just for today (and every other day) I would love for things just to go my way. Is it really too much to ask? God has blessed us with such a beautiful day giving us daily exactly what we need and not necessarily what we always want. But today, I'm feeling low and down, no more energy to go on.
I love that some say, just change your attitude, hell i am one of those people who says it (on good days) but even today is not working. I need time - which i don’t have to reflect and see where exactly I'm going wrong?
Am i wasting my time on the wrong things and could it be that I’m missing the point altogether? Sometimes I wish that I have a GPRS for life, just to tell me, "NO not this turn, take the next or don’t go left, go right. I'm sure I’m not the only one who feels the way I do and that there are many out there that are sitting with the exact same thought or not.
Either way, life does have a way of working out and a special person once told me that the beauty of life is the unknown...yes, not knowing what the further holds. I suppose that’s one way of looking at it and that makes life a bit exciting and make us the people we are today.
And so the same applies to the situations we're facing, some good, some bad and some just plain sad. But not knowing which way things could go, forces us to act and get up and do something -anything. I think that is called HOPE, doing and acting in such a way in order for something to take place.
I do have hope and I do have trust and I do believe that even today when I feeling down and out, those things will come right and that my miracle is on its way.
Image: Google Images