Friday 16 March 2012


The last few weeks had taken its toll on me, family, work, studies and everything else that goes together with life as we know it. A friend of mine sent me this and it helped me put things into perspective. Enjoy!

The Art of Perseverance
Times are tough and that’s when the tough keep up! Each one of us faces challenges to our physical, mental and emotional limits. Yoga, meditation and healthy lifestyle habits all prepare you to go through the difficult times with a certain grace. Persevering through the rough patches fosters patience and courage affording you the opportunity to reflect on what is really important—the gifts of friendship, good health and a strong spirit.
Planting the seeds of a steady outer discipline will in time yield the fruit of great inner peace.  When you think you can’t keep going, try remembering the times when you overcame a difficult situation. Perhaps you had a childhood bully you learned to stand up to, or maybe you needed to get over shyness or self-esteem issues. Your character has been built by your ability to go  through difficult times, so call on all of your powers of positive  thinking to stay on your path and don’t give up. You may just be inspiring others around you by your inner strength!

1 comment:

  1. thank you, after the week I've had, some motivation and encouragement is just what I needed.
