Sunday, 11 November 2012

The 10 most unexpected consequences of being online

What on earth will we do without technology? Everyday something new comes about that makes life a little bit easier and as fantastic as we all are searching for the next best. Almost every “tech shop” promotes new and improve or bigger, better and faster when watching the adverts on TV.
But with all that greatness come a lot of responsibility and accountability. It is great to have access to all kinds of online media but what about all the unspoken consequences that comes with it?
Which brings me to the 10 most unexpected consequences of being online:
1.    Social media is fantastic, but we end up having “friends or contacts” we don’t even speak to face to face (what’s the use?)
2.    Strangers having access to your personal information, you thought was safe.
3.    Random strangers sending random invites
4.    Businesses registering on social media but have no idea how to use it and in the end only being damaging to the business.
5.    The urge to complain online and accidently writing it on your bosses profile
6.    It’s really great being a social butterfly, posting drunken, embarrassing images of yourself online could be detrimental to your image and reputation.
7.    People who you would have loved to stay in your past now have access to you.
8.    Using online as a platform to tell all about your life – not everyone needs to know.
9.    Online stalking
10.  Taking fraud to a different level
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Conventional is a good fall-back position isn’t it?

No one likes to be told, you are so predictable but being adventurist and trying new things is not that great either. Why? Because with new things comes new risks and opportunity for failure. Another word I don’t like much… but on second thought that is what life is all about – learning new things, thinking out of the box and stepping out of your comfort zone.
For some this is seen as easy but for me, it’s completely scary. Should I try anything new or daring I need to know the pro’s and con’s involve but then what’s the use as it defeats the purpose all together. I don’t think it’s completely wrong but the fact that things are familiar to us and we know what to expect, makes the process so much easier.
Thinking about it now, maybe one should stop being so calculated and live a little …just sayingJ

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Thursday, 8 November 2012

Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength

So strange, this is typical me. I am an emotional being, I cry when I’m extremely happy or something amazing took place happen and then off course I do cry when I’m angry, frustrated or sad.
I always used to think that because I cry so easily it is a weakness but then I learned that crying is good for the soul. It shows compassion, sympathy and empathy and who I truly am.
I am not ashamed of it because it is who I am and that I do not shy away from showing emotion and how I feel. I believe you should be who you are, no one is perfect and everyone has flaws. Sometimes we feel we need to always hold it together, for ourselves, our family but it is okay to let go and to let it be. 
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Looking back....

As the year is coming to an end, I look back and can just thank God for carrying my through. We all faced some sort of trial and tribulation or an obstacle that we through we’ll never will overcome. But God has shown us Grace, Favour & Mercy and has given us exactly what we needed at the right time to make it through.
I’m grateful for all my family, friends, classmates and colleagues and lecturers for their on-going support, encouragement and motivation when the road was too long – I appreciate you all with all my heart!
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To the best (and only) sister in the world...Ashlin

A few months ago I was involved in a smash and grab indecent on my way home. Needless to say, I am still traumatised by what happened and could not see myself driving pass this place again alone.
Knowing that I have to attend class after hours, the idea of driving home by myself was just too much. My youngest and only sister offered to wait for me at her office and will drive with me at night after class.
I have classes four times a week and sometimes it run until 9pm. She never complained, moaned or groaned and waited with me until the very end.
Ashlin huni, this is to say THANK YOU and I love you the world!
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The last Lecture

All year round we moan and groan about the attending classes, doing assignments and meeting ridiculous deadlines. But then just one morning you wake up and you realise that you have reach the end of your journey and suddenly I’m sitting in my last lecture and should feel happy and great because it’s done, but instead you think, “I’m actually going to miss this”.
All the things I have been moaning and groaning about are the things I’m going to miss most. The great friends I made, my lecturers that guided and helping through the year. While at school I remember we use to have an end of the year parties, just to end it of on the right note, wishing everybody well and letting them know, we’ll be in touch.
Wish we had one to end of this year! Going to miss you all!
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How old would you be if you did not know how old you are?

I would love to be 18! It was those years when life was easy and carefree. School was the most important thing I had to worry about and homework and house chores was the only stress I’ve known.
But even then, we could not wait to start working and earning our own money so that we can buy the things our parents said no too. But little did we know that being an adult is not all that glamorous and if you had issues dealing with the authority of your parents who loved and cared for you, try thinking of how you can or cannot deal with the authority of your boss to be.
Being an adult is not easy, so many things and so many responsibilities and off course some perks – not nearly enough. Being 18 would definitely suit me best.

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Of all the forms of courage the ability to laugh is the most…

To have the ability to laugh when we face hard situations is the most courageous thing you can do. Many times we meet people in the street, and ask them how they are, you will find that they will smile and say, I well thank you!
I am always so amazed by some who are ill, they suffer severe pain and comfortableness but they don’t complain. They are able to still send a smile your way. Being a Christian and growing up in a Christian home my mom always says, With Jesus in my boat I can smile at the storm.
That is how I prefer facing my hardships, trials or whatever obstacles that come my way. I want to be able to smile and laugh and know that everything will be alright.
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Only bad things happen quickly

As PR students we are thought to be the thought leaders and the boundary spanners in order for foresee trends of what might and might not happen. I would think only if we fail in doing our task, will bad things happen quickly.
We are taught to be able to manage potential risks and crisis’s that could affect the organisation we find ourselves in, and surely I would think that these rules applies to us in personal capacity too.
We are not mind readers and cannot predict the future but we are equipped with the necessary skills to help us lesson potential risk or issues.
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Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid

I often tell my daughters that they need to be bold and confident. Not to be scared and just accept things because that is what people say? They need to challenge others if they don’t agree, this all can off course be done in a respectful way and people respect others for believing in themselves and standing up for their values.
This is something I only learned later on in life. I always kept to myself and hated confrontation or challenging others. But the working world has made me strong and I soon learned that if you are not bold you will miss out on great opportunities.  
We forget that someone is always watching and listening to us. You might be able to do the job but you shy away. Being bold shows the right people in the right place and time that you are courageous and are capable of handling situations. If you don’t, you will miss out on great and even greater opportunities. People can only respect you if you respect yourself, that you stand firm in what you believe in and they will back you when it’s needed. So be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid.
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If not now then when?

My mother always told me there is no better time than the present, Why do we always wait? What are we waiting on? If only I have listened to her. I’ve always said that I am a master of procrastination and this qualification has always brought me into a heap of (unnecessary) trouble.
Why do we procrastinate? To me it is because there’s still time to do it. Don’t worry about it I have loads of time before my deadline. What we forget is that life goes on and so other things come up that also demands our time.
Before we know it, deadline is upon us and we’re panicking, thinking back to the days I had all the time. Obviously I’m speaking of experience as it happens to me time and time again. Hopefully this would be the very last time and I have learned my lesson.
If you wait for perfect conditions, you’ll never get anything done. So don’t wait, don’t delay, do what you can do today as tomorrow has its own list of demands.
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Watch this space

So we have reached the end of our journey as Btech PR Management students. Studying part-time was not easy and they year was filled with many challenges and obstacles, but we have made it till year and I am confident that we will reach the end successfully.
I want to say, Future, I am ready. I am equipped and ready to take on what comes my way!

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Why I have conversations

I love talking, ask anyone that knows me well. But mostly I have conversations because I want to know, I’m curious and I love to engage and find out more about people. We converse because we want to share what we know and maybe in return for more or new information.
We converse because we want learn and be informed and be in the know. Why do people say that, why do people do that is all things that allows us to share ideas with each other. Each morning, at work I make a point of catching up with my team, it might not be immediately but it will happen during the course of the morning. I am then able to ask them how they are and what the day looking like, I am able to find out about any challenges and then be able to find a solution for it.
By doing this, I can see if my team is well and in order and if not if I can do anything to help. On a professional level I am able to mitigate any potential challenges we might face as well as able to plan my day.
It gives my team a sense of belonging and that besides the work they do there are still able to care about the person. If it was not for communication all this would not have been possible.
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100 things I want to do before I die

1.    I want to live to see my daughters get married
2.    I want to live to one day see my grandchildren
3.    I want to travel the world
4.    I want to win the lotto
5.    I want to bungee jump and not embarrassed myself while doing itJ
6.    I want to do a job a love and am passionate about and not one I have to do because I have to.
7.    I want to drive a Maserati
8.    I want to have my reality TV show
9.    I want to meet someone famous (anyone I’m not fussy)
10.  I want to swim with dolphins
There are so many other things I would really like to do. This might not be the all of the items I want to do and maybe not all in that particular order except the first two.

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My BIG FAT dream

Wow if I have to list all the dreams I would like to come true I would run out of paperJ But seriously speaking, being a Public Relations Management Part Time student for the last 5 years have made me realised what I would like most to come true and that would be that I will be able to use my qualification in the desired organisation I would like to work.
Being a student we sacrifice so much, time away from our families, working over weekends, meeting our study group, Do Not Disturb moments, that is only a few of what some of my us sacrifice, who knows what others are sacrificing.
The struggle in our country at the moment is that unemployment is rife as well as all the other stuff that goes with it. Every year more and more matriculants finis off school and join the same pool we find ourselves in, fight for that position.
My dream would be that I will be able to apply the knowledge I have obtained over this five years and share it out there, being a real asset to any organisation of my choice.
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You cannot chase two rabbits at the same time

So many times we take up too much than what we can handle and often find ourselves rushing through life. In this day and age life is supposed to be simpler and easier given all the technology made available to us, but the more technology are made available,  the less time we have for ourselves.
All the new gadgets states, new and improve, better and faster but what does it mean if we can’t make use of it at all?  I find that life today is to demanding and expecting more and more from us. We work harder; spend more and just merely trying to keep up.
But where will it all end? Sometimes trying to juggle to many things at one time can be dangerous as you won’t be able to give equal attention to each project or item. And that will ultimately result in things falling through the cracks.
Many suggest that time management will do the trick but that is just another thing to keep you busy. My suggestion would be, live simple, less is more and its is the things in life that you cannot buy, that costs the most!

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Nothing is more dangerous than an idea, when you only have one idea

Some people really strike it lucky when it comes to great business ideas. They have that one idea that puts them right on the map and have them reeling in millions. Which I think and I’m sure I’m not the only one that says, but why didn’t I think of that?
But now, surely that one idea is not enough to get you through and what if that one idea was all you had? Luckily you will be able to have just that one a\idea and leverage on it and will find like-minded people that could expand on your one idea. I would like to think that this action would then encourage the one idea to evolve into many other great “one ideas”.
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I am…

I am woman, Proud and free,  More to me,  Than what you see,  I stand alone,  A world apart,
Just holding fast,  To wayward heart.

I am healer,  Poet too,  I see colour,  Rainbow hue,  All at one,  With God above,  Forever bright,
Eternal love.

I am fire,  Burning gold,  Cold as ice,  If truth be told,  Just a spark,  Light a flame,  Glowing embers,  Die again.

From the ashes,  Rise once more,  Just passing through,  An open door,  Looking back,  From up ahead,  Now hear the fools,  They call me dead.

I am spirit,  Pure and bright,  Rising up,  To meet the light,  I enter there,  The realms of love,
It’s all around,  Below, above.

My kindred souls,  Enfold me there,  And full of joy,  I ask them,  Where?  Should I now be,
So bright and free,  For I am woman,  I am me.
I am a Woman by Linda Harnett
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You can’t choose 15 minutes but why would you be world famous

I often like to read about the celebrities and what they up to and often find myself thinking, is this what they signed up for? Journalists and photographers following their every move and being to that get the next best story and then obviously for people like to read about it. Do they have anything in their life that is private or do they sign a contract to say that they will reveal all.
Well I do have my favourites especially the ones who behave and do good – which leaves me saying, “Awh that’s amazing. But then I do get the ones that I just can’t understand what goes through their minds.
If I ever should get 15 minutes of fame then it definitely needs to be a 15minutes that will live forever and will have people talk for years and years to come. What it will be you wonder, I don’t really know but would have to be something that would leave them say, “awh that’s amazing”.
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A skill set called leadership

I often hear people debating whether leadership is obtained or whether you born with it? According to is that some people believe that leaders are born with the necessary qualities that make them successful as a leader. While others believe that leadership, like many other similar characteristics, can be learned and developed through life.
I can agree with both these statements as I believe that one should show or have some potential to be a leader and what is lacking perhaps can be obtained to further learning. But either or, leadership whether you born with it or not, is a skill. Being a leader is fantastic and allows you to have power over certain things but with power comes responsibility.
In many cases, especially in the corporate world people are placed in leadership positions but show no skill in having what it takes to be a leader. They might be there for the wrong reasons and often turns out to worsen the matter.
For instance, A CEO of a company may have the highest rank in the organisation and enjoys the perks that comes with it, but if he is no good in running or sustaining his business then that his rank or position means nothing. To be a leader takes more than delegating and giving orders, but is by being responsible and accountable for whatever consequences there might be and that you followers can trust and depend on you.
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What motivates me?

Usually I can think of a 100 things that motivates me, but thinking about it now is like hitting a brick wall. We always need to be motivated to perform certain tasks and sometimes are easier than others, especially depending on the task at hand.
What motivates me at most times is pressure. I need to feel the pressure in order to get things done and please don’t mistake it for a rushed jobs 5 minutes ahead of due, but realistic pressure. I find and have been noted that my best work comes when I’m under pressure, it motivates me to get it done as well as reap the rewards that goes with it when reaching your goal or desired end result.

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The elephant in the room

Confrontation was never my strong point and I doubt that it will ever be. But so many times I find myself or roped in to be the one being squeezed by the elephant in the room. For those who is not familiar with the term it means that everyone present know what they there for but prefer not to talk about the issue because its uncomfortable.
A perfect example in our family is when we had to talk to my eldest daughter about the birds and the bees, this followed by a question she had over dinner. Well we decided to chat about it afterwards also seeing that our little one was still up and about.
While doing the dishes I thought of how I would tackle this one, especially seeing that I’m a firm believer that children when reaching a certain age needs to be informed about certain things. We sat down in the living room and even though we knew what we were there for, we did not say a word. And this was simply because where do you even start?
Okay I could see from dad’s side that he simply there for mere moral support by not be saying a word. We got the message through and she was happy with the feedback and made us feel less un-easy, especially when they say, “we learn this at school” …OMW
If I think back to it now it was very funny, not so much at the time though.

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Every day is a good day

In my house you have the morning people and not the morning people – the morning people being only me that is. No matter what time I got to bed, no matter if I was tossing and turn all night, no matter if I had to see to my sick child during the night not being able to have any shut eye and still go to work the next day – every day is a good day.
Off course we all face different challenges throughout the day but to me if I’m able to leave home in the morning, do what I have set out to do and return to my family in the evening, then every day to me is a good day. And by having a good day it totally rubs off on others and sooner than later things that seemed to be challenging suddenly becomes easier.
I really believe it is a choice we make, being miserable and giving others a hard time is easy but being happy and by deciding to have a great day is a most times a challenge (especially if you have deadlines looming over you). And me, I like a challenge and always up to one, so my choice is to have a good day not matter what comes my way.
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Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses

So often it is seen that when people have a certain amount of power they don’t always use it in the most positive way. My greatest strength is to juggle it all, yet it is also my greatest weakness. Now this is a very admirable position to be in but many times it is to my own disadvantage.  Often I would find myself busy with 10 000 things at once, why, because everyone always knows that I am capable of it because I get it done.
But what they don’t know is how I arrive at the end result; often with slight heart palpitations and a lack of much needed sleep. I blame this totally on my mother who I love to bits. She used to be for a very long time a working mom and see to her family and household without breaking a sweat or an unhappy word. Now I find myself wanting to live up to this legacy and if I don’t do it well and also in record time it’s not good enough. Not because she expects this of me in any way, but because I’ve always known my mother to be able to do anything.  To me it is if my mom could do it so can I. She constantly reminds me that the time and pressures were much different then than now. I can only laugh and nod, but will I listen is another story.
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Try a cliche'

A cliché I tried more than I should is “to pull an all-nighter”. That is all we as students know, especially if you have to juggle work, school and family. It is never easy and you are always in the demand and not the kind of demand we would like to be.
Being a part time student I find myself trying all kind of clichés, but the one mentioned above is one more to common in my life for the last five years and soon one to be over. I am looking forward to just being a mom and a colleague and hey guess what even a friend, as meeting up with friends was only a luxury.
Yes soon my all-time cliché of pulling an all-nighter will be a thing of the past and I am so ready to try a new oneJ
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Feelings follow behaviour

Many times the way we feel when we get up in the morning determines the way our day would be. Not having a great nights rest, or burning the midnight oil can have its toll on you and would show in the day.
Very often when it comes to certain relationships, relationships at work, school or play we often find people or individuals that we click with immediately and often we find the individuals we don’t click with not just immediately but not at all.
I’ve always saw myself being quite an easy going person, I get along with people of all walks of life and very seldom find myself not “getting on” with people along my path. And if it came to that I knew how to keep my distance and also just knew that the problem can’t be with me but with the other person.
I had a colleague once who shared an office space with me, well needless to say that when she started I went in with idea of us being great colleagues as we will be sharing an office but oh boy was I wrong. This colleague and I were like oil and water – struggling to see eye to eye and often I would try and work it out and be just a bit more patient but as soon as that thought came it would go as she would then have found a better way of getting under my skin.
This feeling of I can’t handle her anymore became so strong that it showed in the way I behaved when around her. The office suddenly became too small to host the two of us and with me only seeing the negative side to her did not help me in getting on with my day. Other colleague often asked about this love-hate relationship of ours as the tension was clearly visible. Always trying to keep it professional I would laugh and make as if I have no idea what they were talking about, always thinking I’ll give her another chance. Even though I thought that I am keeping it together the feelings I had towards her showed in my behaviour.
As soon as I realised it I tried harder at least being civil to each other. To my own surprise, I invited her and partner over for dinner and made a point of getting to know the person outside work. Needless to say I had to do it long ago as the understanding between us became much better.
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It’s better to practice a little than talk a lot

Being a mother I often find myself preaching my children. I can just imagine what must be going through their little heads when I start yapping about this and that – awh there she goes again. But often I preach for good reason as I believe that I as a parent am responsible for the type of adults they would be.
I tell myself that I can fail in any other department but I cannot fail raising my children. Sometimes we as parents don’t understand the big responsibility we have on our shoulders when it comes to our children. What we allow and what we don’t allow. I believe that what you put in (the hard work, the love and the commitment) is what you will get out at the end of the day.
We often tell our children you need to do this and need to be that but we turn around and not being either of what we told them. I suppose it boils down to practice what you preach. But sometimes we often preach way too much and forget that we should lead by example. I’ve seen so many times how parent forget so easily what they’ve said and be reminded by the minor. It happens, at the end of the day we also just human and strive for better, but it is better than to lead by example through actions than to speak empty words.
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Wedding cake-in-the-middle-of-the-road

Being in love is probably one of the most exciting times for both girls and boys. The romantic dates, the text messaging now and again and the surprise visits that causes your heart to skip a beat.
Often young couples are so over the moon that they lose themselves in this idea of being in love and being together forever that ultimately the next step is to get married. But do they understand what it means to be married and the responsibilities that go with marriage besides just being together and happy ever after?
I suppose society does not help a lot in this regard, the fairy tale stories and romantic movies with only the happy and not always so realistic endings. Sometimes hopeless romantics find themselves in that place where tying the knot and being with you forever is all that matters and end up getting married way to soon or early in their lives, not knowing what the dynamics are.
Maybe it would be wise to have a more realistic approach when it comes to relationships and know the responsibilities that go with it, rather going into it closed eyes and have a rude awakening when it is too late.
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Its a poor idea to lie to youself

Working in publishing we often have students working as interns with our teams. I’ve seen many interns come and go and ones that even return to the company as staff due to them being so hard working. But then again I’ve also met the ones that found it difficult to fit in and often don’t know how to handle themselves in the working world. Not due to the lack of maturity but due to the lack of respect.
During lunch the intern currently with the magazine joined our group and what a pleasure to have her around. She was a fourth year student and telling us that she manages to secure another internship at a company abroad over our summer holidays. This youngster is extremely talented and hardworking as we learn that she’s also writing a book and was offered to have her thesis published.
But all of this was not easy, she told us of how even that she soared academically, that socially her existence was equally important if not more. She explained how she experienced student life, being part of Cape Town’s most prestigious universities. She said that as with high school, the students on varsity had such an obsession with what you are, who you linked to and your social status. Being rich was very important to them and being liked and accepted with the “ in “ crowd was much more important than getting that 80% that exam or assignment.
She explained that youngsters would go against who they really are, their beliefs, morals and values just to part of the it group. She said being young and seeing this happen to her own friends she soon had to differentiate between what important and what’s not. Do I want to be popular and lie about who I am merely just to be accepted by a group of people that’s mostly fake or do I want to work hard and make something of myself even if it means to be part of the minority.
This to me was amazing as this youngster had so much more going for her due to her strong foundation and confidence knowing exactly where she was heading. How many youngsters can say that today? I think back to myself and think how peer pressure not only exists in high school but beyond the workplace too. It is up to you to decide if you going to lie about who you are and what your plan is or just to go with the crowd and live up to others expectations.
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The sound of one hand clapping

The sound of one hand clapping, does the statement make any sense at all? How is it even possible for one hand to clap, there would be no sound. I thought that just maybe the statement has nothing to do with the physical hands. As we all know it is impossible for one hand to clap as it would need the second surface (in this case the hand) to produce a sound.
This made me think about the underlying message. The following meaning could or could not be what the topic implies. I see this statement as a department, a team working together for one goal. As you know you need both of your hands in order to clap and hear a sound. Then the same rule applies to the team, each one of the members is needed in order to reach their final result. But in many cases this is easier said than done.
Because teams in most cases are made up from a diverse group of people, is it sometimes hard to get everyone in agreement. In the same scenario, is it also difficult to get everyone working together due to the fact of each member being an individual. It is this individuality that makes us unique.
When a department / team can’t work together will it be very difficult for the team to reach their goal or target as they need the input of all members. This can be a very stressful situation especially for the one leading the group as questions will be asked and answers needs to be given. If one or more persons fail to do their part it could have great implications for the entire team and the project or campaign they’re working on.
This would then for me be, “the sound of one hand clapping”.
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Not all who wonder are lost

While sitting in my car waiting on my sister to finish up at work, I keep myself busy by just watching people walking by. Don’t judge but this could easily be one of my favourite pass times. Watching the different people rushing home from work, rushing to catch their train or bus and some just taking their time getting to wherever it is they need to be.
I find myself watching their expressions and telling a story by just looking at them. Who knows, I might be right or I might be way off, but does it matter? Well one afternoon I was again doing my thing while waiting and noticed this group of girls (tourists I assumed) walking by, up and down the same building looking a bit lost.
I sat back and kept my eye on them, feeling that I need to see if I could at least help them find their way. But because I was sitting in my car, I thought it would be a bit weird just walking up to them and I just remained seated. Being a mother, all sorts of things went through my mind and I thought I would not forgive myself if I should read in the newspaper that something has happened to these girls…what can I say, I have a weird imagination.
My paranoia finally got the best of me and I got out of my car and asked them if I could help with some direction as I noticed them walking pass the building a few times. Well firstly to my surprise were they not tourist and very much local, judging by the accents of course. Secondly and lastly, they are students working on an assignment and had to take photographs but could not decide which side of the building would work best, hence walking up and down and don’t forget the camera’s they were sporting – real tourist-y like isn’t.
I walked off to my car feeling like a real tool and vowed that next time I would just mind my own business because not all who wonder are lost.
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How to step from the top of a 100-foot pole

Isn’t the title just so scary? Just reading it out loud makes me think why on earth would I be on a 100-foot pole and then more importantly why would I then want to get off it anyway? The only thing that comes to mind and makes sense in my head is like taking a leap of faith. Nothing that really matters on this earth has any guarantees, so we do kind of live our lives day by day taking a leap of faith.
As individuals we have so much going on in life. We worry about almost everything, no matter our age. We find ourselves worrying about our success, career, studies, family, relationships and the list goes on. Its normal they say (whoever they are) but none of the subjects mentioned above comes without a bit of sacrifice or risk if you may.
The words sacrifice and risk is a bit harsh and not very easy on my ear, I prefer thinking of it as taking a leap of faith. The fear of the unknown can be overwhelming but anything worth it and that matters is worth taking a leap of faith or in this case stepping down a 100-foot pole. If we don’t try, we’ll never know and if we fail (I hope I don’t) we live and we learn and take that lesson with us when leaping into the next.
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