I often hear people debating whether leadership is obtained or whether you born with it? According to www.sitepoint.com is that some people believe that leaders are born with the necessary qualities that make them successful as a leader. While others believe that leadership, like many other similar characteristics, can be learned and developed through life.
I can agree with both these statements as I believe that one should show or have some potential to be a leader and what is lacking perhaps can be obtained to further learning. But either or, leadership whether you born with it or not, is a skill. Being a leader is fantastic and allows you to have power over certain things but with power comes responsibility.
In many cases, especially in the corporate world people are placed in leadership positions but show no skill in having what it takes to be a leader. They might be there for the wrong reasons and often turns out to worsen the matter.
For instance, A CEO of a company may have the highest rank in the organisation and enjoys the perks that comes with it, but if he is no good in running or sustaining his business then that his rank or position means nothing. To be a leader takes more than delegating and giving orders, but is by being responsible and accountable for whatever consequences there might be and that you followers can trust and depend on you.
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