Thursday, 8 November 2012

Not all who wonder are lost

While sitting in my car waiting on my sister to finish up at work, I keep myself busy by just watching people walking by. Don’t judge but this could easily be one of my favourite pass times. Watching the different people rushing home from work, rushing to catch their train or bus and some just taking their time getting to wherever it is they need to be.
I find myself watching their expressions and telling a story by just looking at them. Who knows, I might be right or I might be way off, but does it matter? Well one afternoon I was again doing my thing while waiting and noticed this group of girls (tourists I assumed) walking by, up and down the same building looking a bit lost.
I sat back and kept my eye on them, feeling that I need to see if I could at least help them find their way. But because I was sitting in my car, I thought it would be a bit weird just walking up to them and I just remained seated. Being a mother, all sorts of things went through my mind and I thought I would not forgive myself if I should read in the newspaper that something has happened to these girls…what can I say, I have a weird imagination.
My paranoia finally got the best of me and I got out of my car and asked them if I could help with some direction as I noticed them walking pass the building a few times. Well firstly to my surprise were they not tourist and very much local, judging by the accents of course. Secondly and lastly, they are students working on an assignment and had to take photographs but could not decide which side of the building would work best, hence walking up and down and don’t forget the camera’s they were sporting – real tourist-y like isn’t.
I walked off to my car feeling like a real tool and vowed that next time I would just mind my own business because not all who wonder are lost.
Images by: Google Images

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