Thursday 8 November 2012

My BIG FAT dream

Wow if I have to list all the dreams I would like to come true I would run out of paperJ But seriously speaking, being a Public Relations Management Part Time student for the last 5 years have made me realised what I would like most to come true and that would be that I will be able to use my qualification in the desired organisation I would like to work.
Being a student we sacrifice so much, time away from our families, working over weekends, meeting our study group, Do Not Disturb moments, that is only a few of what some of my us sacrifice, who knows what others are sacrificing.
The struggle in our country at the moment is that unemployment is rife as well as all the other stuff that goes with it. Every year more and more matriculants finis off school and join the same pool we find ourselves in, fight for that position.
My dream would be that I will be able to apply the knowledge I have obtained over this five years and share it out there, being a real asset to any organisation of my choice.
Image by: Google Images

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