Thursday, 8 November 2012

It’s better to practice a little than talk a lot

Being a mother I often find myself preaching my children. I can just imagine what must be going through their little heads when I start yapping about this and that – awh there she goes again. But often I preach for good reason as I believe that I as a parent am responsible for the type of adults they would be.
I tell myself that I can fail in any other department but I cannot fail raising my children. Sometimes we as parents don’t understand the big responsibility we have on our shoulders when it comes to our children. What we allow and what we don’t allow. I believe that what you put in (the hard work, the love and the commitment) is what you will get out at the end of the day.
We often tell our children you need to do this and need to be that but we turn around and not being either of what we told them. I suppose it boils down to practice what you preach. But sometimes we often preach way too much and forget that we should lead by example. I’ve seen so many times how parent forget so easily what they’ve said and be reminded by the minor. It happens, at the end of the day we also just human and strive for better, but it is better than to lead by example through actions than to speak empty words.
Images by: Google Images

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